Obstructive Sleep Apnea Live Broadcast


This broadcast is sponsored by Groman Medical, makers of the SafetyFilta PPE device. This special filter helps keep you safe from potentially harmful or contagious aerosols. Their sponsorship has provided you a $5 discount, allowing you to take it for only $5.

Please click this link to view a short video about their product and request a free sample: http://www.gromaninc.com/safetyfilta.html

Purchasing this course allows you to participate in the live broadcast airing on Friday, February 24, 2023. Course times this day are:

1100 Eastern
1000 Central
0900 Mountain
0800 Pacific

Please note this is not a course that may be taken at any time.

If you miss the live broadcast, you may move your credit to another live broadcast or recorded course, or cancel for a refund.

OSA Broadcast Slide 1-1

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