Respiratory Therapeutics for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Live Broadcast


Course Objectives:

  1. Explain the etiologies, pathophysiology, manifestations, & management of pulmonary arterial hypertension
  2. Explain the actions, effects, indications, contraindications, & administration techniques for agents used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension


This broadcast is sponsored Radiometer America, a worldwide leader in blood gas analysis. In fact, in 1954 Radiometer launched the world’s first commercially available blood gas analyzer. Their sponsorship has provided you a $5 discount, allowing you to take it for only $5.

Registering allows you to participate in the live broadcast airing on Friday, March 17, 2023. It is not a course that can be taken at any time. Daylight Savings Times are listed unless otherwise noted (AZ). Course times this day are:

11:00 AM Eastern
10:00 AM Central
9:00 AM Mountain
8:00 AM Mountain (AZ)
8:00 AM Pacific

Payments and certificates are handled by our website and the course will be taught in a Zoom meeting. The Zoom meeting will open 30 minutes before showtime.


1) Click the Purchase This Course button (Annual CEU Subscribers skip to step 3).

2) After concluding your purchase, you will receive an email from us with a link to register for the Zoom meeting.

3) This course is free for our Annual CEU Subscription holders. If you have an active Annual CEU Subscription, click here to register for the Zoom meeting. Interested in an Annual CEU Subscription? Click here to learn more.

4) You will receive a confirmation email from Zoom. You will join the meeting on the day of the broadcast by 1) clicking the link provided in the Zoom registration confirmation email; 2) clicking Join in the Zoom column on the broadcast schedule; or 3) clicking here.

Evaluations & Certificates:

Certificates will be available on our website (we DO NOT email certificates) and will be located on the Account > Courses page. See the two methods below to learn how to obtain your certificate. Please note if you do not fill out the evaluation within 30 minutes of the end of the presentation, you will not receive a certificate. We will be standing by at the end of the presentation to assist you by chat, phone, and email.

Method One: The evaluation will be displayed inside your browser at the end of the Zoom meeting. Certificates are awarded upon verification of payment, either by subscription or individual purchase, and completion of the evaluation. We will have certificates ready to print within an hour after the presentation ends.

Method Two: Need your certificate right away? You may return to this page, scroll to the bottom, and under Lessons click on Start This Lesson next to the Evaluation. If you do not see Start This Lesson, you either did not purchase the course or are not logged in to the website (See “I purchased a course but when I try to take it, I see COURSE LOCKED – Purchase This Course.” on our FAQ page).

Required links:

View video of pulmonary hypertension

View pulmonary artery remodeling

View airway remodeling

View evolution of Eisenmenger’s complex

View reperfusion injury flow diagram

Video of PAH case

View echocardiography in PAH

PAH diagnostic algorithm

View PAH treatment algorithm

View treprostinil (Remodulin) pump

FYI Optional links:

AHA article on reperfusion injury (very good article)

Article on PAH diagnosis

Article on pulmonary vasoreactivity testing

Article on PAH & exercise testing

Article on endothelin antagonists for PAH

Article on nebulized milrinone

Info on iloprost

Respironics AAD nebulizers

Additional Flolan information


Article on nebulized milrinone & prostacyclin