Human Trafficking Awareness Training
Course • Ethics
Course Objectives:
- Describe types of human trafficking
- Recognize common signs of human trafficking
- Explain the ethical implications of human trafficking
- Explain the reporting obligations of healthcare workers
This course is approved by the AARC and will count as an ethics CEU, and is approved by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services.
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If you purchased a course (or subscription) and see COURSE LOCKED – Purchase This Course when you try to take it, or do not see a green Mark Complete button, it’s because you are not logged in to the website. On the menu row to the right of Contact Us you should see an Account menu. If there is a Log In button instead, click that, log in, and you’ll be able to take your course. If you’re using a tablet and don’t see Contact Us, Log In (or Account), turn your device sideways so you can see the entire menu row. On a mobile device, click the menu on the top right and scroll down. If you see Log In under Contact Us, click on it to log in to the website.
Approved by Texas Health and Human Services in accordance with House Bill 2059, 2019
Global Estimates of Modern Slavery
Myths and Facts About Human Trafficking
CNN Freedom Project – Ending Modern-Day Slavery
National Human Trafficking Hotline Statistics
Office on Trafficking in Persons
Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking
Legal Requirements for Reporting and Education
The Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative – Age of Victims