Lesson 1 of 16

Self-Directed Lesson 1

This is an embedded video. If you can't see it could be that your facility is blocking video players. Ask if they have guest WiFi and use a device that logs onto that instead of the main hospital network.

Please read the instructions and then click the green MARK COMPLETE button at the bottom. You must mark each lesson complete as you go through the course. When you take our courses, on each lesson page there is a grayed out “MARK COMPLETE” button below the presentation. After you watch the entire lesson video it becomes green. You must click the green MARK COMPLETE button to move to the next lesson and allow our website to track your progress through the course.

All the lessons leading up to the evaluation must be marked complete. If you use the course outline on the right to navigate between lessons, you will see “Please go back and complete the previous lesson” when you click on the evaluation. On a mobile device the course outline is above the video. If that occurs, just return to Lesson 1 and click the Mark Complete (or Next Lesson) button to move to Lesson 2. Repeat these steps until you reach the evaluation.

At the end of a self-directed course there is a post-test that will open automatically after submission of the course evaluation. You may preview the post-test in the Course Materials section. You must pass the post-test with a score of 70% or higher. If you do not pass the post-test, you may take it again. After passing the post-test, click on the button labeled Click Here to Continue. You will be returned to the course page. Click the orange button labeled PRINT YOUR CERTIFICATE. Your certificate can also be printed by using the menu Account > Courses and looking in the Completed Courses section.

Click the green MARK COMPLETE button to proceed to Lesson 2.