Arthur Jones


Dr. Jones has taught respiratory care at a collegiate level for over 20 years. In addition, he has over 30 years of clinical experience.

Pulmonary Vascular Disease Live Broadcast

Registering allows you to participate in the live broadcast airing on Friday, June 17, 2022 at 1100 Central Time. It…

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Lung Clearance Techniques Live Broadcast

Do not purchase this course – it is not currently scheduled for a live broadcast. It is available to view…

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Acid-Base & CO2 Balance Live Broadcast

This broadcast is sponsored by Groman Medical, makers of the SafetyFilta PPE device. This special filter helps keep you safe…

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Preventing Medical Errors Part One Live Broadcast

This broadcast is sponsored Radiometer America, a worldwide leader in blood gas analysis. In fact, in 1954 Radiometer launched the…

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Respiratory Therapeutics for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Live Broadcast

This broadcast is sponsored Radiometer America, a worldwide leader in blood gas analysis. In fact, in 1954 Radiometer launched the…

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Instructional Skills for Clinical Practice Live Broadcast

Do not purchase this course – it is not currently scheduled for a live broadcast. It is available to view…

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Respiratory Care for the Geriatric Patient Live Broadcast

This broadcast is sponsored Radiometer America, a worldwide leader in blood gas analysis. In fact, in 1954 Radiometer launched the…

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Ethical Issues: Diverse Patient Groups Live Broadcast

Registering allows you to participate in the live broadcast airing on Monday, March 28, 2022 at 13:00 Central Time. It…

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Evidence-Based Practice: What are the Ethics? Live Broadcast

Registering allows you to participate in the live broadcast airing on Friday, August 26, 2022. It is not a course…

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Emergency Preparedness for Mass Casualty Events Live Broadcast


This live broadcast is not currently scheduled. The course is only available to allow previous participants to reprint their certificates.

  1. Identify infections capable of causing mass casualties and describe their etiologies, manifestations, diagnosis, management and prevention.

  2. Apply strategies and devices to prevent communication of infections to caregivers, patients and the environment.
    Identify chemical agents capable of causing mass casualties and describe their likely sources, effects, manifestations and management of chemically contaminated patients.

  3. Identify the sources of mass casualty radiation events and describe the effects, manifestations and management of radiation injuries.

  4. Identify sources of blast injuries and describe the types of injuries, their manifestations and their management.

  5. Describe major types of natural disasters, their associated types of injuries, their manifestations and management.

  6. Discuss problems associated with healthcare delivery in natural disasters, including those associated with transportation and destruction of physical facilities.

  7. Distinguish among conventional, contingency, crisis modes within a healthcare facility with respect to space, staffing, equipment and supplies.

  8. Describe preparations and response strategies for mass casualty situations with respect to respiratory care equipment and supplies, including oxygen and mechanical ventilators.
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Independent Lung Ventilation Live Broadcast

Registering allows you to participate in the live broadcast airing on Tuesday, February 7, 2023. It is not a course…

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Congenital Heart Disease Live Broadcast

Registering allows you to participate in the live broadcast airing on Friday, December 9, 2022. It is not a course…

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